When I'm not a graphic designer, I'm an improviser. Please do not hold this against me. My improv team was lucky enough to host the Bring Your Own Team event (sort of an open mic for improv teams) at our home theater. I was paranoid no one would come (it being late January in suburban Chicago and all), so I made these motion graphics and social media graphics to promote the event.
Despite harsh weather conditions (moderately heavy snow and single digit temps), the event was packed and by all accounts was a huge success. It drew more people than the earlier 8 PM show.
Despite harsh weather conditions (moderately heavy snow and single digit temps), the event was packed and by all accounts was a huge success. It drew more people than the earlier 8 PM show.

First social media touch. Two weeks prior to event.
For the social posts, I hit a little differently and focused on the idea of "the factory" aspect of the The Wig Factory's name. I created fictional research and development, legal department, and marketing department (uh, that one wasn't exactly fictional, because it was me).

Social media post in action.

Second video. A week out.

Second social post from our fictional legal department.

Third and final video posted the day before the event.

A final thanks to everyone for coming out and making the event a huge success!